Rev’s Week at a glance May 14

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Hi Team,

What an amazing year to keep our students growing and goal setting. It has been so much fun to watch them bouncing into the gym everyday ready to play. I have had the pleasure of working with your kids throughout the year both athletically and spiritually. It is so awesome to see these kids smiling and playing everyday. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to guide and teach your child my favorite games.

One thing I know is that these kids will always hold a special place in my heart knowing they where my why every day. This year was a roller coaster that could have slowed us down or moved off track but somehow these beautiful students made the time fly and fun. I am very blessed to have had this group and am grateful for our times together. Before you leave me for summer break I wanted to say what an awesome group of students showing up and making memories this year. Thank you for choosing my class and dancing the day away!

Calendar of Events

May 14 Show Choir Showcase, 6:00pm & 7:30pm
May 15 Academic Awards Ceremony, 10:30am
Athletics Awards Ceremony, 1:00pm
May 18 AP English Literature Exam
May 19 AP U.S. History Exam
8th Grade Graduation, 4:00pm
12th Grade Graduation, 7:00pm
May 20 HALF DAY (Last Day of School)
AP Government Exam
AP World History Exam

~Coach Rev